Rules:Alternate Advancement by XP

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Alternate Advancement by XP

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This system details another method by which characters may accumulate rewards. Unlike the other major systems presented in our rules, however, it is not something that can be depended on to develop a character from cradle to grave. It is more of a midpoint between normal development and Epiphanies -- many characters will never see an XP reward, but they are not nearly as impressive as Epiphanies, typically.

On the chatter's side, the method by which this system works is virtually invisible. Chatters may simply vote for roleplaying which they find to be extremely impressive, or far beyond a given player's norms. They must list the scene/reason they are giving it for on the comment line, or their vote runs the risk of being ignored. Chatters have a limit of only two votes per XP cycle, to encourage them to save it for the best roleplaying that they observe. There is no reward or penalty for using or not using your vote. Cycles will typically be between two weeks and a month, depending on the volume of chatter and staffer voting. Characters are not limited in how many votes they may receive per cycle.

Staff will also vote for roleplaying which they find to be impressive, and will privately track XP in the secure staff message board in a thread devoted to that purpose. XP will not be posted publicly.

Once a chatter reaches a certain threshold, depending on the spread of votes over their characters, they will be asked to select a character from a selection of theirs, or one will be selected by staff (typically when a single character has brought in the vast majority of their votes) to receive a special reward of some sort. This will typically take shape through the running of a miniplot of some sort, similar to the Quest system. As with the Quest system, it is possible that some rewards may go astray, but the rewards will typically be tailored directly towards the character selected for reward. The exact power of the reward will depend on how many XP votes the chatter has acquired. These rewards may aimed more towards plot devices (such as Deius Castle) rather than giving the character a significant and direct boost in their fighting ability.

Unlike the Epiphany system, a single character may receive more than one XP reward.

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