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Rules in playtest: The rules on this page are in playtest. They are available for use on a limited, trial basis. Characters created using them may be more subject to changes under the Volatility Clause than usual. |
To the victors belong the spoils. And the freshes. Those who wield power inevitably desire to wield more of it, and often in different varieties. By exercising their peculiar strengths in the correct manner, they can gain influence over vast tracts of land, and the hearts and minds of the citizens therein.
The primary characteristic of the Conquest system is that of Influence. This represents the amount of control that a given character or group has over a given territory. Influence may be awarded both for applicable regular RP, as well as for staff-run Conquest Adventures. Generally, the more stable a land is, the more influence will be required to completely conquer it.
Influence also comes in multiple varieties, depending on how one goes about the conquering. For instance, the most obvious method is that of military invasion, which prompts the standard Influence characteristic. This represents control of the actual physical land. Another is by means of economic subversion, which prompts Economic Influence, for example. This, and other forms of influence (allowable at staff discretion) indicate how much progress the character has made in their conquest.
Conquest Adventures
Only staff may run these special Adventures. They tend to be of significantly higher difficulty (for settled lands, anyway) than regular Adventures, and almost inevitably, a land cannot be conquered merely by Skirmish-grade conquest Adventures, but the would-be invaders must face stronger opponents as well, where there is a very real risk of loss.
Influence is a highly mutable number, and while significant amounts can be gained from Conquest Adventures, significant amounts can also be lost -- even if the Adventure is considered to be won, as not all objectives may be achieved, or some objectives could even be put permanently out of reach (such as the destruction of a necessary artifact, for instance). A character may not even know what their objective is when the Adventure starts, rendering it very difficult for them to succeed in a timely fashion.
One if by Land, Two if by Sea
Some lands, depending on the style of influence attempted, possess automatic resistance, whether it be via a citizen's militia or guerilla forces or some other form. This counter-influence automatically detracts from the influence of invaders, both from the amount granted by successful Conquest activities, and over time if the conquering forces do not remain active. On the flip side, once a land is subjugated and completely assimilated, this same counter-influence can be brought to bear on the player's behalf, to prevent others from taking their newly-gained resources away from them.
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