Rules talk:Additional Aura Explosions

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"This upgrade is repeatable up to four times, for a maximum of five aura explosions per combat."

Is this worded correctly? If it is repeated four times, that's four times after the initial upgrade, for a total of five upgrades and six aura explosions. I'd suggest saying "This upgrade may be trained (or learned, etc.) four times, for a maximum . . . ." Or is my English totally off here? Tiryst 00:38, 10 August 2006 (CDT)

It's worded correctly if interpreted in the light of an upgrade to a gimme. As such, then the first iteration would be counted in that four, as it's referring to the tech in whole. If it was granting a new ability that was then upgraded, then it'd be incorrect. If you think it's unclear, though, go ahead and change it. Hroefn 11:04, 10 August 2006 (CDT)
"Repeatable" always implies "after the first time" when I read it, so "repeatable four times" means "take it once and then four more times" ... so yeah, I'm going to edit the wording if only to stop me from going >>;; every time I read it *L* Tiryst 19:16, 11 August 2006 (CDT)