Cascabel Jadoku

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Name: Cascabel Jadoku
Age: 40-something
Race: Saiyan
Birthplace: New Vegeta
Faction: Power Wielder Hero, Tier 3 (10,000 - 100,000)
IRL Years of Existence: Less than 1


Lean and wiry of build, of average height and with a long, thick mop of spiny jet-black hair, Cascabel is a fairly average Saiyaness. She wears her traditional armor constantly, only dressing otherwise when formality positively requires that she do so. Like most Saiyans, she is proud of her tail, and while on Earth, refuses to hide it. She is frequently seen with a beloved pet at her side who hails from the untouched jungles of New Vegeta - Susuri, an eighteen-foot viper resembling a vivid green rattlesnake.


Cascabel's combative style seems to mimic that of her pet, while remaining true to her Saiyan roots. Fists and feet, with the occasional ki-blast, make up the majority of her way of fighting. However, much like her pet, the Saiyan ambassador has fangs of a sort. She has the ability to twist and taint the ki that fuels her in battle, causing it to have a venomous effect quite similar to her pet's bite.


Cascabel is a Saiyaness of approximately forty years of age. Born after the destruction of the Saiyan homeworld but before the founding of New Vegeta, it is impossible to date her age precisely as record-keeping was at best spotty during those years. If she had any family other than the aunt who raised and schooled her, record of this was long since lost as well. Cascabel and her aunt were among the first settlers to make a home on New Vegeta, carving out a home in the mountains near the seaport.

As soon as New Vegeta had settled enough to once more begin organized training and recruitment of its children, Cascabel began her formal education. From a very early age, she showed a facility for languages and an ability to lead and organize her peers. One of her favorite hobbies in youth was prowling the jungle-thick valleys within a brief flight of her home, seeking knowledge of and challenges from the strange new animals that lived there. Among these animals was one that would captivate her imagination: the surikah, or jungle rattlesnake. The young Saiyaness made a study of these animals, adapting their quick strike-and-retreat style of hunting to her own unique style of combat. In time, she even learned to twist and taint her own ki, causing it to carry with it the same detrimental effects as the snake's neurotoxic venom. In time, she even befriended and domesticated one of these lethal vipers, and has subsequently taught it to fight at her side, using its great strength and powerful bite as a helpmeet to her own abilities.

When she wasn't schooling or training in the jungles, Cascabel often accompanied her aunt on the hunting parties that fought and killed the massive sea creatures of the planet's oceans for food. Here, she learned to refrain from using her poison touch, but her speed and her strike-and-retreat tactics served her well, making her an efficient hunter. As well, her natural ability to organize made her a frequent leader and coordinator of the aquatic assaults, in spite of her youth. Upon coming of age, enlisting in the army seemed a natural choice of career. As much as she enjoyed the hunting parties, there was in her a nagging knowledge that her abilities were meant for something greater. Time proved her right: between her unusual linguistic ability, her qualities of leadership, and of course her prowess in combat (without which not many Saiyans make much progress anywhere), she shot up through the ranks rapidly.

With the sudden rise of trade and diplomacy as a replacement for conquest and destruction, the few talented individuals who surpassed the surly Saiyan norm and could effectively communicate with others came into high demand. On the first early outreaches to the other races in their sector of the galaxy, even the bodyguards of the Saiyan diplomats were expected to show knowledge and decorum, and Cascabel was one of few who made the cut. As years passed, and as she proved her ability, she was gradually entrusted with more responsibilities, until she was no longer simply a guard, but also a translator, negotiator, and coordinator of many missions.

During these same passing years, though she has displayed neither the free time nor the personal inclincation to take a mate on a permanent basis, she has done her part toward repopulation as well. She has six children, four male and two female, toward whom she has shown no more than a distant parental attachment, providing for their raising and schooling from her own income and visiting occasionally when missions afford her some free time. The same aunt, Enkai by name, who raised and schooled Cascabel watches over her children while she attends to the more important tasks (in the Saiyan mindset, at any rate) of seeing to the well-being of her people. The eldest of her sons, Shuurai, has recently come of age and has himself enlisted in the military upon completing his education.

Most recently, it fell to Cascabel to perform an important diplomatic mission at home on New Vegeta. In the wake of the failed invasion of Earth, an emissary from that same planet, Cody Terraloft by name, was sent to New Vegeta with tremendous proposals. Strategic trade alliances with Empirical Industries, a portal system linking New Vegeta to Cardinal, and the opportunity to establish an official diplomatic presence in that land were objectives that the King and his advisors strongly wished to see secured with a minimum of difficulty and as little personal involvement as possible. One superior suggested Cascabel for the job, and so for months she served as escort, translator, and negotiating contact with the Cardinalian visiting party.

She succeeded admirably, and when the time came to appoint an ambassador to the land of Cardinal, King Kyouran Gekijou and his advisors concluded that the best man for the job was the woman who had already demonstrated an aptitude for dealing with Earthlings, a grasp of their language and traditions, and one who could be trusted not to create more problems than she solved. Cascabel Jadoku was appointed Saiyan Ambassador to Cardinal, and was instructed to recruit an all-female staff for her embassy before taking the portal to Earth. This she did, drawing from a pool of her previous military cohorts as well as businesspeople she knew to have administrative and organizational skills. At present, the embassy is under construction on a plot of land just outside of Central, and has not yet been completed or become inhabitable, and the embassy staff along with Cascabel and her pet are housed in an upscale hotel in downtown Central.