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Out of seemingly nowhere, the sorcerer Xaedranel has appeared. Very few, if anyone, have heard of his name, but nowadays the decision to officially impart some of his magical knowledge unto students of magic was made. The following outlines his methods of teaching.

Dunes of Arcana

Xaedranel is an official teacher, boasting a myriad of magical skills which he can impart unto his students. His school bears no name, and is practically unheard of, for none can approach it. Rather, Xaedranel himself seemingly plucks prospective students out of their daily lives, offering the chance to learn the powers of magic under his tutelage.

Students that wish to return for a future class do not have to wait to be drawn back by Xaedranel himself, but rather can wish to try their hand at fortune and visit the old mage themselves. They can be drawn, but that of course will be at Xaedranel's whim itself.

The school itself is naught but a desert, dubbed the Dunes of Arcana. When summoned to Xaedranel's realm, students will find that they are in a twilit desert with little to no wind, though the temperature is always pleasant and cool. A circular table with chairs set across from each other is the only landmark, and on one of the plush chairs Xaedranel always seems to sit on.

Classes do not include sparring, for Xaedranel seems to detest actual combat. There are no sparring gains, and indeed no fights versus the wizened mage. To him, knowledge is all that is needed to impart unto his students.

The classes themselves revolve around the twenty-one major arcana of tarot cards. Xaedranel seems to be a highly accomplished seer, and uses tarot cards as the basis of his magic. Therefore, he will read fortunes for his students with the major arcana, which also in turn offers them a spell for every card drawn. One class is offered per card; the student must travel down the path of the learned technique on his own after the initial lesson is taught.

Levels of Aptitude

Learning spells in the Dunes of Arcana can have its benefits. Xaedranel will explain the basics and essences of his arcana to his students, whether through slyness and trickery, or being straightforward with his classes. That is at the whim of the sorcerer. If a student is canny and pays attention, he or she may learn their spells quicker than others. Students will thus be graded on their grasp of the taught technique, and the quality of the RP in itself, by part of the student's MUN. The grades themselves are assigned by the wand minor arcana, ranging from Page (the poorest), to King (the highest).

1. Wand of Page: The student has failed miserably in the lesson taught by Xaedranel. Therefore, he or she is banished from the Dunes of Arcana, having learned and gained nothing.

2. Wand of Knight: The student has boasted a limited grasp on the taught subject, enough to learn the arcana spell from Xaedranel, and begin training for it. Attaining this rank allows the student to gain one additional tech day whenever he or she does a training RP/solo concerning the specific taught technique*, and the base cost of the technique itself remains the same.

3. Wand of Queen: The student has proven to be highly intelligent, and grasped the taught subject well. Attaining this rank allows the student to gain two additional tech days whenever he or she does a training RP/solo concerning the specific taught technique*. The base day cost of the technique is reduced by 20%.

4. Wand of King: The student has proven to be exceptional in the taught subject, fully grasping the arcana spell and able to begin quick training. Attaining this rank allows the student to gain three additional tech days whenever he or she does a training RP/solo concerning the specific taught technique*. The base day cost of the technique is reduced by 30%.

  • If a training solo or RP is awarded no tech days, then of course the bonuses don't apply. The training in itself must reflect work on the MUN's part, as usual. Bonuses also only apply to the root technique. Upgrades to the techniques which are not taught by Xaedranel are not given any bonuses.

The Major Arcana

0. The Fool Arcana: The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. Any drawn student lacking a MagPL will always have the Fool drawn first, for it is the arcana that will grant said student a Magic power level. The grading ranks apply, though in this case, they represent how much power a student will gain at first. Wand of Page will grant a 100 MagPL, Wand of Knight will grant 175 MagPL, Wand of Queen will grant 225 MagPL, and Wand of King will grant 300 MagPL.

1. The Magician Arcana: When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities and resources at the student's disposal. The message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back. Teaches the student a 90 base day technique.

2. The High Priestess Arcana: The High Priestess represents the power of healing. Teaches the student a 150 base day technique.

3. The Empress Arcana: When appearing in a student's spread, the Empress represents the object of desire. Teaches the student a 30 base day technique.

4. The Emperor Arcana: The Emperor is Key Four of the Major Arcana. Fours are stable numbers; four walls, four seasons, four corners. It takes a massive amount of energy, comparatively, to move them. Teaches the student a 120 base day technique.

5. The Hierophant Arcana: The Hierophant represents individuation or the point where a child starts to understand the boundaries between Self and Other, family and the community. Teaches the student one of the three Barrier variants.

6. The Lovers Arcana: The Lovers is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as The Twins. Teaches the student a 150 base day technique.

7. The Chariot Arcana: The Chariot evokes the Querent’s own path; calling; exile; or random journey. Teaches the student a 30 base day technique.

8. The Strength Arcana: Strength stresses discipline and control, challenging a situation requiring persistence and effort. Teaches a 135 base day technique.

9. The Hermit Arcana: The Hermit represents the need to withdraw from society for comfort, as well as the need to come out of isolation to share with others. Teaches the student a 60 base day technique.

10. The Fortune Arcana: This arcana represents the underlying order that the Magician attempts to master. Teaches the student a 120 base day technique.

11. The Justice Arcana: Justice mediates the various claims of right, of morality, of duty. In a world of scarcity, not every claim can be met. Teaches the student a 180 base day technique.

12. The Hanged Man Arcana: The Hanged Man is the initiate into mysteries. He understands the Truth because he sees it from a different angle. Teaches the student a 120 base day technique.

13. The Death Arcana: This card does not imply a physical death. Rather an end, and a beginning. Teaches the student a 60 base day technique.

14. The Temperance Arcana: When Temperance appears, it is a warning or invitation to be prepared for a confrontation. Teaches the student a 30 base day technique.

15. The Devil Arcana: The Devil is a warning to someone who is too restrained and/or dispassionate and never allows him or herself to be rash or wild or ambitious. Teaches the student a 60 base day technique.

16. The Tower Arcana: This arcana symbolizes failure, ruin and catastrophe. Teaches the student a 90 base day technique.

17. The Star Arcana: The Star represents renewal. Teaches the student a 30 base day technique.

18. The Moon Arcana: This arcana represents sleep patterns, specifically dreams and nightmares. Teaches the student a 60 base day technique.

19. The Sun Arcana: This card is generally considered positive. It is said to reflect happiness and contentment, vitality, self-confidence and success. Teaches the student a 45 base day technique.

20. The Judgment Arcana: Judgment is interpreted as an impending or postponed decision. Teaches the student a 60 base day technique.

21. The World Arcana: The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. Teaches the student a 150 base day technique.