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Full Name: Fuheyu
Age: 17
Race: Demihuman
Birthplace: Unknown
Status: Active
Power Type: Physical

Original Techniques

Template Abilities
Hollow Body, Wine Belly
Brewmaster's Gait


Flying Jade Serpent
Keg Smash
Breath of Fire
Storm, Earth, Fire

Common Techniques

Passive Upgrades

Techniques In Progress



Friends, Food, Family: These are what is most important, at least according to the world view perpetuated by Fuheyu's culture. Generally speaking, she is agreeable almost to a fault, and when not training has an overly friendly personality. Due to her lack of real-world experience and relative immaturity, she is also far too trusting, often assuming the best of others and being willing to give them the benefit of the doubt even if she is wronged multiple times by the same person.

Brewmaster: As a student of Zui quan, Fuheyu is no stranger to the drink. She has an inhuman tolerance for mortal-grade alcoholic beverages, in addition to an almost scientific propensity toward creating her own intoxicants. The fact that she is perpetually drunk easily explains her good humour and agreeable personality.

Physical Appearance

Fuheyu is of average height for a woman with a particularly curvey build, thanks largely to the amount of liquor she drinks and the massive amount of food she intakes to fuel herself during her intense training. Pretty as far as demihumans go, her appearance is not marked by any oddities other than the fact that whatever 'type' of demihuman she is seems to be exceedingly rare. Only one other has been seen in Cardinal; the famous drunken master Timmus Genji. Perhaps the two are related somehow?


Fuheyu's story began on the Wandering Isle, so called because the 'island' was actually the exposed shell of a gigantic turtle, upon which her forebears built their home. Due to the constant movement of her home as it glided across Earth's vasts oceans, it remained undiscovered for nearly one thousand years. Of the very few of her kind who have ever left the Wandering Isle, none have ever revealed its location to outsiders, and Fuheyu's stance on the matter has not changed in that regard.

It was only after news of the Second Saiyan War reached the Wandering Isle that the young student of Zui quan decided to depart from the giant turtle Shen-zin Su to find her place in the outside world. Though she had been warned that humans and their ilk were dangerous, petty, and selfish beings, her sheltered lifestyle also led her to believe that the best could be found in anyone, if that person was given a chance. It was shortly after arriving on Cardinal, however, that she found a true purpose in her journey, through the discovery of an entirely new world being colonized by humans and acting as a sanctuary for those who had grown weary of war and the strife of constant conflict.

Now one of Safehouse's permanent residence, she has struck out to explore this virgin world and perhaps make a mark in its fledgling history.