Rules:Staff Structure

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This page lists the various staff members in Alt DBZ, and their portfolios of responsibility. They can be contacted through their User_talk page, if they have registered an AltWiki account. Otherwise, their contact information is on the Room Doorway.


The room is governed by a double-cohost system, with each cohost responsible for a different portion of the room. Despite that, none is an autocrat in any area, and staff discussions are numerous, behind the scenes.


Icebreed is a Cohost, and is responsible for AltDBZ/IMC Site Interactions, and heads up Storyline/Setting Development. Icebreed also administrates the Offsite Message Board.

Marcus Ryder

Marcus is a Cohost, and is chief of applications.


Staffers (either regular or inverse green) are typically attached to a particular cohost and focus on assisting them with a particular area.


1080i, or Dev, is Staff, and is attached to Marcus's department as an applications handler, in addition to his previous duties as setting manager for New Vegeta and Saiyans.


Tiryst, or Kyle, is Staff. While retired from active duty in the rules/apps department due to real life duties, he has been appointed to approve solos and similar things, as well as continuing to offer his advice and support to the rest of the roster.

Inverse Blues

There are currently no support staff.