Rules talk:Tough Crowd

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Revision as of 11:43, 13 September 2007 by Icebreed (Talk | contribs)

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"On August 4th, 2008, or when the D'hennexian major plot ends (whichever event comes first), all Tough Crowd statuses will be revoked."

Does this mean just that the restrictions placed on the previous Tough Crowd characters will no longer hold? Or is it actually a revocation of PL granted through the program? Tiryst 12:57, 13 September 2007 (EDT)

All restrictions will be removed at that time, and you will no longer be able to give TC characters extra gain if you run an adventure. This goes for both the line you quoted and in the case of violating restrictions; if a character who is approved for the Tough Crowd program is removed from it, the previous benefits accumulated are not. ... Unless, yanno, a player does something really deliberately irritating like make the character and then intentionally break a restriction. That's the sort of thing we give official warnings and bans for, though ;) --Ice 14:43, 13 September 2007 (EDT)