Shariel Aidrazur

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Full Name: Shariel Aidrazur
Age: 50 Summers (Shen'ihr years, 25 Earth years comparative)
Race: Shen'ihr
Birthplace: Shen'ihr Homeworld, Artur Province
Status: Active
Power Type: Psionic

Original Techniques


Manifest Crystal
--TK Hone IV
--Spatial Reach IV
--Enhanced Psionic Stamina I
Crystal Augmentation


Common Techniques

Durability Linking


Techniques In Progress


Physical Appearance

Shariel Aidrazur sports caramel-colored skin, with raven-black hair, usually done up in a complicated hairdo or other. She tends to favor expensive robes as clothing, and her gaze is a piercing obsidian stare. She often enough walks barefoot wherever she does, though with minor psionic applications, manages to keep dirt and grime off of her person at all times.

She possesses the same alien beauty that her race seems to project, though her appearance suggests she's long since learned how to harness such traits and enhance them. At first glance she almost seems vain in regards to maintaining her appearance, given the accentuating clothing she wears, how she meticulously does her hair, how she presents herself, etc. While in essence she does worry about her looks, often enough said appearance hides an irredeemably inquisitive nature, one which serves as the driving force of her scientific mind.


Shariel Aidrazur was born in the Artur province of the Shen'Ihri homeworld. Growing up, she discovered that she possessed psionic potential, though for the most part it wasn't geared toward combat. Rather, she turned to engineering and research, eventually discovering her love for crystalsmithing and engineering. While perhaps not the most skilled of all crystalsmiths, Shariel was nonetheless renowned in the academy for discovering how to actually manifest crystal constructs via her psionic will alone. While said constructs were not permanent, her research nonetheless has always been geared toward crystalsmithing applications on various sites, including battlefields.

She had at one time been part of a research group led by the Argents, husband and wife. During the Kinslayer War, the Argents lost their lives, and their eldest son was lost on Earth, swept up when the Chorus was demolished. Their youngest daughter, Laisha, was left in Shariel's care. Said daughter later joined the Shen'Ihr Inquisition, swelling Shariel with pride. She eventually made her way to Earth, both on the Inquisition's behest, and to search for her long-lost daughter. The last she had heard from Laisha, she had found Daran, and then the transmissions had eventually ceased.

Coupling that with her highly inquisitive nature, upon hearing that another famed researcher, Zeradar He'nateth, had made his way to the planet Earth, Shariel Aidrazur planned an expedition of her own. Perhaps Earth would yield data worth researching. Perhaps He'Nateth had discoveries worth noting. At the very lest she could touch base with the Argent siblings. While Shariel rather disliked having to visit such a backwater world, her own curiosity could not be abated so easily.