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Saiyan law is very simple, and can be summarized in as little as three words: ''might makes right.'' If one has the power, one is permitted to do whatever, whenever, wherever, as long as one is not interfering in the affairs or interests of someone stronger. It may seem like this approach would lead to complete anarchy, but with the rigid miltary order permeating society that hasn't happened.
Saiyan law is very simple, and can be summarized in as little as three words: ''might makes right.'' If one has the power, one is permitted to do whatever, whenever, wherever, as long as one is not interfering in the affairs or interests of someone stronger. It may seem like this approach would lead to complete anarchy, but with the rigid military order permeating society that hasn't happened.
A small part of the military has been diverted by the King into a sort of "police," tasked with keeping public order and quelling violent disturbances. These "police" are all ranked at least Underlords, and answer to the King alone.  
A small part of the military has been diverted by the King into a sort of "police," tasked with keeping public order and quelling violent disturbances. These "police" are all ranked at least Underlords, and answer to the King alone.  

Revision as of 13:40, 31 May 2007

New Vegeta is the second homeworld of the Saiyan race, settled after their original homeworld, simply called Vegeta, was destroyed by the notorious alien Frieza some hundred years ago. Far from the planet-spanning megalopolis that was the height of saiyan power, New Vegeta is a beacon of the saiyan spirit; a symbol of their will to survive against all odds, at all costs.

Planetary Information

Solar System


Mean Radius: 483,220 miles (773,152 km)

Gravity: 31.3 Earth G.

Rotational Period: 31d, 22h, 40m

The saiyans gave this name to the star their planet orbits. It is an average yellow giant, larger than Sol, but slightly cooler. The name means "Light of the King" in the saiyans' native tongue.


Mean Radius: 31,055 miles (49,688 km)

Gravity: 3 Earth G

Average distance from Sun: 43.5 million miles (69.6 million km)

Rotational Period: 18d 2h 44m

Revolutionary period around Sun: 120d, 13h

Brek'thur is the closest planet to Chovak'Maral. It is a large, dead ball of rock.

New Vegeta

Mean Radius: 22,121 miles (35,394 km)

Gravity: 2.24 earth G.

Average distance from Sun: 94.8 million miles (151.68 million km)

Rotational Period: 27h 30m 15s

Revolutionary period around Sun: 307d, 14h, 12m

New Vegeta is the only planet in the solar system capable of supporting humanoid, carbon-based life. It has no moons, however it is ringed by a thick band of ice, visible during the day. At night, the ring becomes a vivid band of radiance stretching across the southern sky.


Mean Radius: 52,110 miles (83,376 km)

Gravity: 5.5 earth G in the upper atmosphere, 0.5 earth G at the core. Atmospheric pressure exceeds 400x that of earth.

Average distance from Sun: 1 billion miles (1.6 billion km)

Rotational Period: 330d, 5h, 22m

Revolutionary period around Sun: 12y, 122d.

Kastanula is the only other planet in the solar system, besides Brek'thur and New Vegeta. It is a colossal ball of verdant green gas, girdled by a thick ring of ice and rock fragments.


New Vegeta's surface is 65% water. The 35% of its surface that is landmass is mostly vast, barren mountain ranges. Several wide valleys cut through the mountainous regions, most are filled with lush vegetation. The only populated valley on the planet also happens to be the only valley that has a shoreline. Ironically, it is also the only valley not thick with jungle-like growth.

Population Breakdown

98% saiyan, 2% alien. The non-saiyan population is restricted almost exclusively to the technology sector. The only aliens that have so far bothered to have long-term relations with such a violent people know full well their genetic deficiency for higher intelligence, and take advantage of that to make a living.

75% female, 25% male. About three years ago, the legendary King Vegeta, 34th of that name, joined forces with demonic powers to launch an assault on the planet Earth. The attack was repulsed, and the saiyans sustained extremely heavy losses, especially in the demographic of young male warriors.

Major Cities


Population: ~2 million

Capitol, obviously, is the center of the Saiyan Kingdom, and the largest of three major cities on New Vegeta. As the saiyans are a very militaristic people, Capitol is structured much like an enormous military base. Avenues dozens of meters wide radiate from the central command tower like the spokes of a wheel. Narrower roads circle the city, providing efficient transportation to ground-bound personnel and vehicles throughout the metropolis.

The Command Tower: At the center of Capitol, a thirty-story spire towers over the city. This tower serves as the City's nerve center, as well as the King's Palace. A large disc-like balcony shows where the mundane floors of the tower end and the King's residence begins.

The Arenas: Throughout all saiyan cities, there must be places where battle can be held without risking severe damage to others and property. A generation ago, arenas were introduced as a way to let the populace vent their violent urges on each other, without blowing up vast swaths of the surrounding area. Capitol itself sports over four dozen seperate arenas, ranging from small underground cage-rings to the Grand Coliseum on the northern edge of town. Common to all arenas, though, is the reinforced Isoferrite construction. A material indigenous to New Vegeta, Isoferrite possesses strength comparable to Empirical's Grey Iron. The metal is spun into thin threads, then woven together and infused with high amounts of ki power. The energy separates into small pockets between the strands, and can withstand a great deal of punishment before needing repairs. Because of the restrictive nature of the material's resilience, damaged sections of Isoferrite must be replaced. They cannot be simply repaired in the field.


Population: ~10 000

Kettren is a spaceport facility located in the mountains thirty miles south of Capitol, atop a large plateau created by artificial means. Kettren serves as the primary trade and transportation hub, with hundreds of ships and single-man pods coming and going each day. A wide, straight roadway leads directly from Capitol to Kettren, cut right through the mountains with as little deviation as possible.

Research Outpost

Not even large enough to warrant a name, this small outpost sits atop a tall peak at the far end of the valley. Aliens and saiyans ostracized for studying science reside here, conducting various kinds of research and experiments.


The seaport at the mouth of the valley has a very small permanent population, and serves as the main processing center for the enormous sea beasts hunted in the oceans for food.

Military Power

Hierarchy and Rank Structure

The saiyan military is very rigorously ordered, based heavily on a person's raw power. Additional consideration toward tactics, leadership, obedience and initiative is given when deciding promotions, but raw power is the major determining factor. The King is the de facto head of the military, and has the authority to declare war, order troop movements as he sees fit, and whether to step up or scale back recruiting drives. The ranks are as follows, from highest to lowest:

  • King
  • High Overlord (Leads one Army)
  • Overlord (Leads one battalion)
  • Underlord (leads a division)
  • Super-Elite (Leads a company)
  • Elite (leads a unit)
  • 1st Class (leads a squad)
  • 2nd Class
  • 3rd class
  • Conscript

A saiyan's rank is denoted by the armor he wears. The lower classes wear simple torso armor, with colored panels to indicate specific rank. Elite and Super-Elite armors bear winged shoulders and a plated skirt, also colored to show rank. Underlords wear the same armor as Super-Elites, with the addition of a crimson cape. Overlords and High Overlords are permitted to design their armors personally, and given the right to use special reflective materials in their making.


Presently, the saiyan military is not actively recruiting. On the order of King Kyouran Gekijou, the military is to be on a strictly defensive posture until further notice. When actively recruiting, however, the military's requirements are surprisingly lax. All that is required is a willingness to fight and follow orders without question, and a measure of power. Applicants are given a thorough physical exam to ensure good health, then enrolled in the Krilek Vhash, the central military academy. Entrants are put through a short, intense training camp that makes Full Metal Jacket look like preschool. Graduating earns one the rank of 3rd Class, if they pass with a high enough margin, or Conscript if they barely make it by.

Non-saiyans in the Military

Are almost unheard of. Few alien species can stomach the idea of being on the same planet as over a million battle-hungry apes, but there are a few who have braved it. Toward non-saiyans, the military's recruitment process is remarkably discriminatory. Applicants can expect to be dismissed several times, if they keep applying. If one manages to make it to the physical exam, the standards on it are very exacting. The slightest physical flaw, real or perceived, can be grounds for rejection without a strong argument to the contrary. Finally, non-saiyans are graded extremely harshly during the training phase, and only a handful have ever been graded high enough to make 3rd Class.

Personnel Breakdown

5 saiyans make a squad, and 5 squads make a unit. 20 units form a company, and 10 companies form a division. 10 divisions make up a battalion. The entire saiyan army, at it's present strength, has about 20 battalions, totalling almost a million troops. 10% of the military's total force is retained on New Vegeta as the Home Guard, and the remainder is split into three separate armies.

Military Technology

While all self-respecting Saiyans are formidable fighting adversaries without extraneous assistance, the military provides for its trained soldiers with advanced -- if subtle -- technology. New Vegetan fighting technology typically complements or augments the warrior's personal ability. Their most renowned invention comes in the form of special, hand-crafted armor, frequently recognized by its characteristically enlarged and padded pauldrons and tassets, which make the already bulky Saiyan warrior look even more daunting. The uniqueness of the armor lies in its remarkable durability that bonds on a basic level with its wearer's spirit. The armor soundly amplifies the personal resilience a warrior achieves through practicing Ki, while conforming to the body to keep interference in combat at a minimum. The material also grows and changes with its wearer; a single, well-treated suit of combat armor can last a Saiyan throughout his or her life, and can even withstand its wearer transforming into the colossal Oozaru.

Saiyans also borrow technology from many other races, especially in areas where they are less driven to excel. Sometimes this technology has been peacefully acquired, but others, such as the energy scouter headset, are remnants from the Saiyan race's dark past, and are silent reminders of races made extinct from planetary piracy.

Space Technology

Nearly since their first jaunt unto the stars, Saiyans have used alien spacecrafts or designs to navigate the stars. Though many concepts have been fine-tuned by Saiyan combat ingenuity, most Saiyan vessels are not truly their own intellectual property. Even the convenient blast pod -- barely larger than a small automobile, yet capable of taking a single occupant across an entire galaxy and back without need for fuel -- was a hallmark of the old pirate organization to which the Saiyans were enslaved.

This has changed in recent years, however, with the development of Personnel Integration Technology. Saiyan soldiers once found themselves helpless while travelling the vacuum of space, where they have been forced to rely on inferior armor and weapons. The only way to improve the situation involved donning clumsy, magnetized, protective suits, and then used their ki energy from the exterior of the ship, effectively turning them into fragile, mobile cannons. With PIT-designed spacecraft, however, soldiers can stay relatively safe inside vessels made strong through the same armor that their personnel use in combat. At the same time, they are immersed in a nanite-filled fluid that causes their brains to perceive the ship and its sensory input as their own body and senses. In effect, the warrior becomes the ship. In addition, ki wielders can be trained to engage the entire ship with their ki as naturally as they can engage it in their own bodies. Experimentation and field testing have even demonstrated that fighters can use certain of their own techniques through the ships' facilities. It has been theorized that with research and development, elite fighters will be able to activate unique executions that can only be used in PIT-designed crafts.

The designs are also heavily modular -- all rotating around an egg-shaped capsule wherein the pilot resides. The capsule is sometimes called the "pit", as an allusion to the technology and the word "cockpit". The pit can be inserted to any and all manner of PIT-designed crafts, from small shuttles and one-man fighters to enormous flagships. While no ships of the latter's size have been developed, the plans in the works call for the combined, highly organized efforts of several high-profile pit pilots. Pre-fab calculations suggest that the sheer combined energy level required to effectively fire the siege weapons on one particular dreadnought concept would need to exceed several hundred million rads -- and the higher, the better.

Saiyan Culture

Before the destruction of their homeworld a century ago, the saiyans were a very undereducated and brutal people. Their infants were sent away to other planets, to be raised by their natives until the infant's destructive urges either killed him or the rest of the planet's population. With the founding of New Vegeta, that changed. Less focus was placed on military power, and more on extending the saiyan lifespan and rebuilding population. The latest saiyan King, Kyouran Gekijou, has made repopulation the highest priority after the failed invasion of earth. Education of the younger generations is also high on his priority list.


Saiyans are a very militaristic people, and this is reflected in almost all aspects of their life. Children are given preferential treatment based on their recorded ki powerlevels at birth, with the strongest getting the best of the best, to take advantage of their natural powers. By age 4, most saiyan children are old enough to attend a rough form of 'school.' They are taught the basics of society and simple mathematic and linguistic skills. More focus is given to physical education, tradeswork, and the arts of combat; every saiyan is expected to know how to fight.


The saiyans do not follow any kind of religion. They are a secular people through and through. Some saiyans travelling abroad have been converted to various belief systems, but they are the exception.


Saiyan law is very simple, and can be summarized in as little as three words: might makes right. If one has the power, one is permitted to do whatever, whenever, wherever, as long as one is not interfering in the affairs or interests of someone stronger. It may seem like this approach would lead to complete anarchy, but with the rigid military order permeating society that hasn't happened.

A small part of the military has been diverted by the King into a sort of "police," tasked with keeping public order and quelling violent disturbances. These "police" are all ranked at least Underlords, and answer to the King alone.

Political Structure

The saiyan people are ruled ultimately, and absolutely, by their King. This title is not held by any hereditary right, but by undefeatable strength and cunning. Anyone may challenge the King for the right to rule, but he does so knowing full well that the ensuing duel is to the death. No King in saiyan history (on old Vegeta or New) has been deposed in a challenge, and only a handful of challenges have ever been made.

The King is advised by his four High Overlords - together they are referred to as the Inner Council. The King makes his decisions, sets law, and pronounces edicts based on the advice of his military leaders. The four High Overlords also chair their own councils, consisting of the Overlords from the four wings of the military.


The saiyans observe three primary holidays in the year. The foremost of which is the Festival of Dominance, a week-long party celebrating the saiyans' victory over their ancient foes, the Tsufuru. There is also Ascension Day which marks the day the current King took power, and Vegeta's Day which celebrates the birthday of their strongest, most famous King of all.