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A fairly new Alt-er, I'm otherwise known as Hroefn's girlfriend.

I've got a melange of competitive characters:
Chadisekhar: Dance magess and owner of Sanctuary, and came in 3rd in the Lightweight Division of the 2006 Budokai. She's my oldest and dearest character.
Selyka Marron: A necromancer, and wife to Nathaniel Marron, a member of the Cabal of Seasons, and mother of infant Astraea Marron.
Commander Max Allard: Father to Achaia, a former Cardinalian Military Officer, who specialized in super secret missions to the Southern Continent of D'hennex.
Kate Letopaxa: Manager of Sanctuary, Kate is a very spunky psion, whose bark is far worse than her bite.
Ginnie DeLerouge: Daughter of speedster Aaron DeLerouge of the Ranger Guard, Ginnie is an energetic ki wielder with a penchant for playing pranks, and being afraid of the dark.
Troy Zonas: My Declared Villain, Troy is owner of Heorot Scylding, and a Proffessor of Archaeology at CCU. He is obsessed with ridding Earth of Demi-humans and aliens. A very dangerous maniac, and father to Selyka Marron.
and non-comp:
Durin Von Krystraat
I'm in control of or had input in:
Jungles of Ka
Kar Ellar Sumn
The Alt DBZ Recipe Book
The House of Winter
I play Final Fantasy games, the Halo series, Gears of War, HOCKEY, a whole bunch of musical instruments, and not a whole lot else. Am always up for RP, and plot games.

Other places you can find me online:
