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Rules in progress: The rules on this page are in development and not yet implemented. Do not use them in regular play. Once this marker is removed, you may (and should!) begin to use them.
These are the official character rules for the Efreet race. For the story-based description of them, go here.

Name: Efreeti (singular), Efreet (plural)
Class: Minor Race
Tech Bias: Good
Available Power Types: Must have a PhysPL template, see Ever-Changing Fire
History and Background Page: Efreet

Major Racial Advantages:

Born of Flame: The efreet are supernatural creatures, and are spirits of fire at their hearts. Only the most powerful of flames can harm their physical manifestations, and their inner fire grants them some resistances to the extremes of cold as well. All fire-based damage they receive is reduced by their TotalPL. If this reduces the damage to zero or below, the attack has no effect on them. All cold-based damage they receive is reduced by half their TotalPL. If this reduces the damage to zero or below, the attack has no effect on them.

Draw Out The Fire: The efreet may add Enflame, calculated from their TotalPL, not KiPL, to any attack, without having to pay the stamina cost for the additional damage, once per post.

Ever-Changing Fire: The efreet are not native to this world, and when travelling to this world, must translate themselves into a suitable form. When first learning to do this, it is natural for them to translate the powers of their inner fire into PhysPL. For this reason, all efreet must be applied with a PhysPL template. For an additional 30 base days, they may learn to 'translate' their inner power into another power type (they may include this as one of their starting techniques, if they wish -- it does not have to be learnt in play). They may repeat this until they know how to manifest all power types. They may not change their power type during combat, but between scenes or during a social scene, they may redistribute their PL into any power type they can manifest. Any simultaneously manifested PL types must be a valid combination under the rules. Techniques may only be used when the efreeti possesses the appropriate PLs. They may have multiple PhysPL templates approved, however, only one may be active at any given time.

Primal Flame: Regardless of which PLs they may or may not possess, an efreeti may always launch a blast of fire for natural charge as a gimme action, under any PL. They may combine the natural charges (and actions) of their PLs to produce a single gimme blast as well. This blast senses of all the power types used to create it, and moves at 50% TotalPL speed.

Servant of the Most Perfect Law: While they may also have other demands of those who would bind them, for an efreeti to complete the terms of their contract to the letter reinforces their inner will, resulting in an increase in their TotalPL of 10%. They may not gain this benefit sooner than thirty days after the last time they did. This advantage may only be used with a player character summoner, not via an NPC, unless done in a series of staff-approved solos. This special gain does not count against their gain cap for the day.

Minor Racial Advantages:

An Ever-Dancing Flame: Efreet are not beings of flesh and blood, although they don that disguise. They tend to have one form they prefer to manifest in, physically, but can take other forms. However, there is always something constant (golden eyes, for example) in all forms they take, and the shapeshifting is slow (non-combat only). They may become as small as a mouse, or truly a titanic giant, capable of lifting houses. It does not actually make them any stronger on a powered level.

Knowledge of Fire: Efreet are capable of perceiving not only the visible spectrum, but also directly sensing thermally. This contributes towards their skill in metalsmithing, as they are able to directly monitor the temperature of a piece of metal and ensure that it is heated and cooled correctly for the result they desire. Additionally, they are able to 'see' in the dark, provided there is a temperature differential between objects and the background. This ability, used in powered combat, remains limited by their single highest sense rate.

Natural Metallurgists: Efreet are wonderfully talented with the working of metal. Their cunning alloys are famous in certain circles, and their worksmanship is without equal. They particularly enjoy working on bronze and brass, to the point that the capital city of their homeland is known as 'The City of Brass'. Having a bound efreeti assist a power wielder when crafting a metal item (such as a weapon or armour) allows them to use materials provided in the most efficient manner possible. EU is put towards the production of valid items at a rate of 1 EU to 1 TD to pay for it, instead of the normal 3:1 ratio. Tech days put towards the production of valid items are credited as if the producer's tech bias was two steps higher (to a maximum of Excellent).

Mixed Blessings:

Reforge Creation: When summoned and bound, an efreeti's internal fires can be channelled in fascinating manners that they cannot normally access. These ways are commonly referred to as 'wishes', although they have particular limits, and have given rise to the stories of genies granting immense and awesome wishes to random lamp-rubbers. In fact, the ability of efreet to grant wishes is completely dependant on their own strength, despite that they cannot perform these feats unless bound.

Each wish used reduces the efreeti's TotalPL by 25% of its normal maximum. This regenerates at a rate of 2% TotalPL per day. No contract of servitude will ever permit more than three wishes, and using three wishes always completes the efreeti's portion of any contract of servitude. Where wishes are dependent on PL, they are always calculated based on the efreeti's normal maximum -- making subsequent wishes immediately doesn't reduce the power of the second and third wishes. Additionally, the efreeti's maximum gain percentage remains calculated off of the normal maximum TotalPL, not the reduced amount.

  • Creation: The efreeti can create out of nothingness any mortal-grade item. They can precisely duplicate, to the quantum level, any material thing they have ever seen (including people, however, they will have no life to them).
  • Eternal Fires of Life: While an efreeti cannot make a mortal immortal, they can dramatically alter the lifespan of a creature. Each wish doubles the expected lifespan of the target. Repeated uses therefore grants an exponentially longer lifespan.
  • Find: An efreeti can tell their master where someone or something is, subject to anti-scrying techniques, and being able to properly identify it. For instance, the Dragonballs, when inert, just look like rocks, so an efreeti would not be able to collect them in advance of them reactivating. This can take some time for the efreeti to accomplish, but they generally have a 1-in-10 chance of locating the desired object per day. A Find wish is limited to one object -- they cannot wish for the locations of all seven, for instance, although they could use three wishes for the location of three of the Dragonballs.
  • Inspire: An efreeti can inspire an emotional reaction in a target. While they cannot fulfill the classic 'make her love me!' wish, they can do a great deal of spadework through this to lay a foundation. Conversely, they can calm emotions as well, soothing riled feelings or chilling ardour.
  • Martial Prowess: While an efreeti cannot instantly turn a wisher into a master of powered martial arts, they can help them achieve that. This wish allows the efreeti, or another willing target, to temporarily fight as if they had a power level anywhere from equal to the wisher's power level, to twice the wisher's power level, enabling them to be an effective training partner regardless of what their actual power level is. This power level modification is strictly limited to training -- they cannot use it in real combat. Wishing for this once will allow the efreeti to use it at will during training sessions for the duration of the time they are summoned -- it does not have to be repeatedly wished for. The efreeti's gains are subject to reduction, identically to how any PL transformation tech reduces gains.
  • Purification: The efreeti can instantly heal a single target of all wounds and malignant effects. Power wielders also have their stamina pools refreshed. However, the efreeti cannot bring the dead back to life.
  • Transformation: An efreeti can transform a target's form. In some cases, it is used out of vanity. In others, it is used offensively, as a curse. If a target is transformed into a different race, it may optionally assume its new form's racial template, if one exists that is approved. If not, it retains its original racial template. (Adoption of the racial template is also limited by the permission of the owner of the race, if the race is closed.)
  • Transportation: The efreeti can instantly teleport the wisher and any number of other people almost anywhere, subject to the general limitations of Reforge Creation. The target destination must have a certain level of heat in order to have success, but the threshold is fairly low. The efreeti cannot, however, teleport people into the void of space, or into the deeps of the sea.
  • Limit: Fatality: No one can be wished dead. While an efreeti might be bound into service as a bodyguard, or even as an assassin, this special power cannot directly slay anyone.
  • Limit: Power Resistance: While mortals are easy for an efreeti to manipulate and alter, power wielders are made of sterner stuff. For a wish to modify a power wielder, the power wielder must have a TotalPL less than twice the efreeti's TotalPL or be willing. Generally, some sort of direct connection must also be made (such as touching the target power wielder).
  • Limit: Resurrection: An efreeti is not capable of restoring the dead to life.

Wishes that do not fall into any of the above may be allowed, subject to staff approval. Staff may also approve permanent additions to this list after template approval.

Major Racial Disadvantages:

Bound By Law: By ancient pact and tradition, the efreet can be summoned and bound into service by anyone with the wits and knowledge to do so. Merely summoning them is not sufficient -- the unprepared who do so are more likely to be destroyed for their inept arrogance than listened to. However, someone who can successfully summon an efreeti and ward themselves appropriately can then enter into a contractual relationship with the efreeti. Typically, this means the efreeti will become the summoner's servant for a period of time (not exceeding a year and a day) in exchange for certain considerations. Once a contract has been agreed upon, it becomes unalterable and permanent. The efreeti cannot willingly break the contract, however, they are only bound to its exact words. Any imprecision or omission from the contract is likely to be used by the efreeti for its own advantage. A properly warded efreeti is bound to stay within the warded space for twenty four hours or until a contract is agreed upon, but if no contract is agreed upon in that time, the wards collapse, banishing the efreeti back to its home plane at the same time -- they will not hold the efreeti indefinitely.

Summoning an efreeti successfully is not dependent on power type, or even possessing any power at all. A mortal could do it, with the correct knowledge and supplies, and knowledge of efreet, if not the knowledge of how to correctly summon and negotiate with them, is fairly common in Azshar. There exist several different texts in the world that have different methods for summoning efreet, which can be used with varying levels of success. Performing a summoning with little preparation other than studying the book provides a 25% chance of successfully summoning and warding the efreeti. Each EU invested in preparatory supplies (e.g. purified salts, alchemically-prepared metals, rare incenses to be burned) increases the chance of success by 10%, to a maximum of 99% with 8 EU expended. All EU expended on the summoning ritual is translated to the efreeti's home plane in exchange for their manifestation, and is credited to them when they return to their home plane. Failing the roll means that while an efreeti may be successfully summoned, they are not warded away from the summoner, and may immediately attack the summoner for their presumption -- although there have been cases where the summoner was still able to negotiate with the efreeti, albeit from a much weaker bargaining position. A failed summoning grants the efreeti two levels of Preferred Enemy against its summoner(s) for the duration of the time it is summoned (it is reset when it returns to its home plane).

Depending on the techniques used to summon the efreeti, this may limit their available power for the duration. However, if 'killed' while summoned, they do not die, but are dismissed from being summoned instead. They may then not be summoned for a period of time equivalent to incapacitation calculations.

Impetuous Fire: Regardless of the physical mass of the form with which an efreeti manifests, they retain something of the nature of the quick fire they were born from -- unfortunately, this makes them vulnerable to the extreme forces with which power wielders play. Concussive force is considered to be 50% greater than normal when determining how effective it is at affecting an efreeti.

Talismanic Binding: To complete the summoning of an efreeti, the summoner must provide an item which acts as an anchor for the efreeti, keeping them in this world. In keeping with the efreet relationship with metal, the talisman must be composed primarily of metal, or crucial parts of it must be made of metal. The nature of the talisman is often part of the contract, as some prideful or avaricious efreet demand valuable objects of gold and other precious metals. Often, however, it is a more discreet item, as the destruction of the item will cause the efreeti to be banished back to their natural home. More dangerous, however, the talisman also identifies the party to the contract with the efreeti -- if the item is stolen, the thief becomes the new 'master' of the efreeti. Additionally, the talisman gives the owner the ability to summon the efreeti to them, subject to standard limits of teleportation, with the summoning able to pierce wards that block such movement with a strength equal to the efreeti's TotalPL.

Once the contract is fulfilled, whether by accomplishing the agreed task, or by using three wishes, the talisman is unstoppably teleported to the efreeti's possession, no longer has power over them, and will go back to their world with them -- this being the reason that the efreet prefer valuable objects, as it increases their own standing in the City of Brass to bring valuables to their world. Once the efreeti has the talisman, they may immediately return to their world, as most do, or they may continue to remain in this one until they decide to leave. Destroying the talisman if they decide to stay will still banish them from this world, however. If the talisman has a set worth in EU, when they return to their world with it intact, they are credited with that amount of EU, which they may save as money, or directly expend purchasing item techs in the bazaars of the City of Brass.

That Which Quenches: While resistant to the extremes of both heat and cold, efreeti nonetheless possess some elemental weaknesses. Attacks which are based on earth or water are more effective than usual. Efreet suffer an additional 50% of the attack's relevant damage when struck by such an attack. (Ice, notably, is classified as a cold attack, not a water-based attack.) The extra damage is not subtracted from the attacker's stamina.

Weakness of the Unsummoned: Typically, efreet only enter this plane when summoned, however, they sometimes seek it out on their own. Unfortunately for them, travelling to this plane is not something that is easy for them to do, without being properly summoned. An efreeti that enters the world without being summoned suffers from a temporary reduction of 50% of their TotalPL, until they return to their home plane. If they are killed while travelling unsummoned, they return to their home plane identically to a summoned efreeti.

Minor Racial Disadvantages:

Elevated Body Temperature: The body temperature of an efreeti is normally at what would be considered feverish for a human.

Only Skin-Deep: An efreeti's physical manifestation is only a shell. It does not have a truly operating physiology in the biological sense. As such, hospitals are entirely useless to them -- they must spend the time to regenerate the force of their inner flame. Technique-level healing powers do operate on them, provided they pass a basic sanity check (e.g. energy-based, not bandages or nanomachines), however. Efreet normally recover from incapacitation at a rate of one point per day.