Ngira Taethraxian

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Nevress, Dutaeria


Passively allows ki and telekinetic energy manifested outside the body to merge into a third energy type, called "aether". Aether senses of both energies, and possesses hybridized traits of ki and telekinetic power; an aether attack will have a combined power and speed of both its former components, will be partially transparent, glow with the color of the user's ki energy, and when a projectile strikes something, it will deal damage to the target and nearby entities in the form of a blunt force shockwave. Common techniques and other attributes that are applied to either ki or psi energy attacks (other than power or speed bonuses) will also apply to the entire aether attack. Aether attacks hover in the air before their user before they are launched. While they are still in the air (before or after launching), the user can add more ki and psi energy added to them as a gimme action, so long as they are within the user's Sphere of Influence and under the user's combined charge cap of their ki all of their psionic slots.
Reigh Shield
Combined ki/psi active tech. Creates a bubble barrier around the user with 200% KiPL durability, disables passive defense, and instead adds the remaining passive defense pool to the barrier without the need to reserve slots. If the barrier is destroyed or otherwise removed, passive defenses will return to their normal function (provided energy is restored to the pool, of course).
Asoka's Haste
A pair of vambraces that share ki durability with their wearer, and cause ki projectile and telekinetic attacks that are channeled through their limbs to travel at 25% TotalPL greater speed.

Spatial Reach IV
