Rules:Enhanced Psionic Senses

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Eligible Power Types: Psi
Technique Type: Bonus
Required Credentials: None


Psions are rightly regarded as being masterful in the area of sensing. This technique raises that to even further heights, through extended focus on sensing movements at the very bleeding edge of their sensory range until further capability is gained.


There are three levels of Enhanced Psionic Senses, each involving more and more focused study and training, and requiring the completion of the prior levels before learning it.

Level 0: Psion can sense at 150% PsiPL outside their SoI, and 200%, inside. 0 tech days expended. [Psion Gimme Level.]
Level 1: Psion can sense at 200% PsiPL outside their SoI, and 267%, inside. 30(23/38) tech days required. Psionic power required as a pre-requisite.
Level 2: Psion can sense at 250% PsiPL outside their SoI, and 333%, inside. 30(23/38) tech days required. Level 1 required as a pre-requisite.
Level 3: Psion can sense at 300% PsiPL outside their SoI, and 400%, inside. 30(23/38) tech days required. Level 2 required as a pre-requisite.

Higher levels cost no stamina to use -- once these sensory reflexes are trained, they are passive and automatic.

Note that while this technique increases the speeds at which targets can be detected, psions may still not be able to react in time to deal with fast movers, even inside their Sphere of Influence. Telekinetic events still take a small portion of time to manifest, which is linked to the psion's telekinetic speed.