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This page does not explain the roleplaying aspects of fighting -- only specific applications of the rules to combat in Alternate DBZ.


In the heat of combat, attempting to focus on a complicated task can be quite difficult -- especially if you're getting the stuffing beat out of you. This rule regulates just how much you can focus, depending on how much you're getting beaten. It applies to all power types.

Generally speaking, power wielders can safely absorb 10% of their TotalPL in damage without losing concentration. Anything excess over that causes them to lose concentration. If they are in the midst of a focus activity, (typically, any action which consumes one or more full rounds to execute), then that activity is lost, along with any energies invested in it. The prime example of this is charging -- any charging energies will be lost if the character is struck for more than 10% of their TotalPL. This number may be increased by gaining the Enhanced Concentration Common Technique, for ki wielders and physical fighters.

This necessarily assumes that the character has the durability to withstand this. If a psion does not defend themselves (either Passively or Actively), or if a mage does not have a defensive spell up, they are more likely to simply die, after all, which also tends to have a negative impact on one's ability to focus.

This applies equally to mages within Barrier-equivalent type spells. The Barrier is kinetically linked to the mage, unless a technique specifies otherwise. This means that, while they won't be turned into a bloody paste as they would if they did not have the Barrier active, they may still be thrown hither and yon by the kinetic transfer, which may disrupt charging and other focus activities if the damage source exceeded 10% of their TotalPL. It likewise applies to psions who utilize Passive Defence and Active Defence (PD is essentially equivalent to a skintight Barrier, and AD remains within the psion's SoI, and is thus kinetically linked to them by its nature).

Transformations and Persistant Effects

Sometimes, when a character uses/has used on them a Power Level-multiplying effect, they already have effects on them that are dependent on their PL. The obvious example of this is a mage's Barrier or movement spell. The movement spell is simpler -- for the duration of the PL multiplier's effects, the speed granted by the spell is based on their multiplied PL. After the transformation wears off, the speed is based on the normal PL that they have returned to. This is because a mage's spells are still innately linked to them. Likewise, if the movement spell was cast during the transformation, instead of before, once the transformation wore off, the mage's speed would return to being calculated from their base PL.

Calculating the effects on a durability-granting effect is more complicated. Let us assume that the mage cast their Barrier (at 200% MagPL durability), and it was taken down to only half of its normal durability (or 100% of the mage's MagPL). Now, the mage uses a 2x MagPL multiplying transformation. The mage's PL doubles, and thus, so does the effectiveness of the Barrier -- but the damage remains proportionally the same. The Barrier remains at 50% of its new maxmimum strength. Let us further suppose that while transformed, the mage takes additional damage, reducing the Barrier to 25% of its maximum durability. When the transformation wears off, assuming no other changes, then the Barrier will be at 25% of its original maximum -- the overall percentage of strength stays constant.

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