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:Melanie Vidalia
:Melanie Vidalia

Revision as of 01:07, 16 April 2014

Melanie Vidalia
Vorsha (Lieutenant)
Character Status


Summon Raddan Armor (Basic)
Summons a machine golem with MagicPL equal to 100% of the caster's TotalPL for the scene's duration. Golem has ki-like stats but senses of magic. Comes with a cannon arm and a regular arm with a melee weapon. Has Weapon Proficiency 1 in the melee weapon. Cannon attack speed is 70% its PL. No KAE. No flying. Senses magic instead of ki. Summoner can cast spells directly from the golem. Golem can communicate with summoner telepathically, including conveying what it sees, without use of Psionics. Cannot be summoned more than once per scene.
Bolt Spear
This is a powered-grade spear-sword that normally shares its wielder's durability. Should it be dropped, the weapon will accept damage until it receives a single blow greater than 50% of its owner's TotalPL, which would destroy it. Allows the wielder to fight with it as though their Physical or Ki power were combined with their Magic power. Consequently, half of the damage caused is considered energy (lightning, specifically). The Bolt Spear's wielder can cast spells through it. If destroyed, the spear can be replaced for 7 tech days, or for free after 7 days have passed since it was broken.
Armormage Mantle
This is full plate armor which is either always on or always off in a scene. It provides 100% TotalPL skintight energy durability. Drains up to magical natural charge passively every post to create two "runes", each valued at half that natural charge. Armor can hold up to 4 runes. Runes can be expended as a free action. Each can be used to increase either the strength or speed of any single action made by the wearer or her summons, as well as any attack spell by its value. Runes can stack in all situations, but may not cause strengths to exceed cap or speeds to surpass eyesight (where necessary).
The Mantle's wearer can reduce incoming damage that they are aware of with runes.

Weapon Proficiency (L2 - Spears)
Enhanced Eyesight
Enhanced Stamina (Magic)

Physical Template

Based on Ki.

No energy attacks, flight, energy sensing, or aura explosions.

Power cannot be sensed.

40% Strength
70% Bodily Speed
100% Natural Charge Cap