Cody Terraloft

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Full Name: Cody Randolf Terraloft
Age: 27 (20 at approval, 3 years of time gap experienced)
Race: Human
Birthplace: Parsleyville, Cardinal, Earth
Status: Active
Faction: Power Wielder Hero, Tier 3 (10,000 ~ 100,000)
IRL Years of Existence: 7
(Approved for Alt June 22nd, 2002) (Previous existence in sister room)


Cody spends a post and his natural charge in stamina dispersing his power over all inorganic matter within 100 yards of his position that is physically connected to whatever he is standing on. For the following 5 posts, he can channel his physical actions through the matter he so affected. This allows him to do such things as move bodies of the matter at his own bodily speed and strength, temporarily change the consistency of the matter (changing a hard solid into something more absorbent, for instance), and share his durability with any portion of the matter. While it is possible for him to launch bodies of matter into the air at powered speeds and strengths, he loses control over them once they are airborne, and cannot share durability over airborne objects. Matter that can be controlled by Cody by this technique possesses a small spiritual presence which surges to be similar to his own strength when he is about to exert control over it. Finally, Cody gains a preternatural sense of events concerning the matter he is effecting; he can sense positions, footsteps, and things burrowing through at the same rate as he can sense Ki energy.
Cody blends his spiritual energy with inorganic matter into crystalline armor, which surrounds him completely. While it may be upgraded, later, it initially is similar to a skintight Barrier, excepting that Nullifier is only half effective on it, and his natural durability blends together with it -- effects that share his durability also share the Mantle's durability. Mantle protects for the first 200% KiPL damage taken.

Enhanced Natural Charge I
Enhanced Speed I


The Normal Life

Cody was the proud son of Mary and Clifford Terraloft, and brother to Alina Terraloft, living in the peaceful village of Parsleyville before it was destroyed. Cody was your typical everyday high school kid, with an untapped potential. He was always both brains and braun at the same time when one or the other was alack. Despite his goofy and often seemingly deranged behavior, Cody had the capacity to sit and think through a problem in situations of anxiety that would drive another man insane. What's more, he could out-arm-wrestle anyone in the whole school, though he looked somewhat scrawny. He was that poetic swordsman that put the old "pen is mightier than the sword" line to shame.

Despite all of this, Cody wasn't the popular type. His silliness often repelled the popular clusters, as he was often seen as stupid or immature because of them. It didn't phase Cody -- he kept his own company, and there were always those good humoured folks who knew a good guy when they saw one. That was his childhood gang, and he was sad to see them go when he graduated finally at 18 years of age.

The Naive Diplomat in Training

Unlike so many other high school graduates, Cody had a firm direction to his life upon leaving his government-provided education. He knew his goal; he would become the supreme diplomat, with active brain, powerful strength, and open mind enough to negotiate with any of the universal races that might descend upon the still underdeveloped Earth. There was that one problem -- how?

Cody didn't have the time to bury his nose in books all day. He knew that much. He would have to find a quicker way to ascend the intellectual ladder. Well, as Cody soon realized, experience is the best teacher.

What about strength? Sure, he could spend a few hours at the gym every day, but as previously noted, Cody had this ungodly amount of strength about him for a human of his age and training level. Most gyms, he found, were no sweat. He made some of the meatheads in there look like wimps, which didn't make the owners of the gyms very pleased. Also, what about these aliens that seemed to keep landing or showing up on Earth who had these awesome, mountain-levelling powers? Cody was strong, but he wasn't anywhere NEAR that strong. In fact, he didn't know anyone that strong -- yet there were obviously some people on TV who were, and they didn't seem all that old, either.

The Fateful Turn

One day, while he was training at yet another gym and making child's play of a barbell weighing a metric ton, he was noticed by an old man wearing thick, black robes. The fellow approached Cody, and teased him with dreams of ultimate power in only a year's worth of training. Ah, the naive Cody could do naught but accept. It was utterly nothing but everything he wanted right now.

The old man, named Oniken-sama, brought Cody into his fold, an underground dojo conveniently located next to a major illegal fighting arena. Cody began to feel his doubts about the circumstances, but he'd already given his word that he'd fight for the man so long as he trained him. Cody, what've you gotten yourself into?

For the next year he was under the severe tutelage of Oniken. Day in, day out, Oniken worked Cody in ways he never knew he could be worked. "Oh, so you think you're hot stuff because you can lift three tons, hm? Well raise it with your pinky finger, then," the sensei would croon at him, voice seething with that malicious intent that begged to be hated. However, Cody would not hate. He had forced himself to be incapable of it. It was causing frustration in the sensei to no end.

Oniken-sama proceeded to teach Cody about the inner spirit and how it augmented his abilities, though he referred to it as the "hidden rage" in him. Cody developed it until he could very well lift those three tons with his pinky, and move faster than he'd seen any man move before. When he really put his mind to it, there were few things he couldn't do. At one point, he actually put his arm through a 3 foot layer of reinforced concrete. Cody was ready.

The Denial of Dishonor

Oniken now had the champion that the devious fiend had always wanted. Bound to his word, Cody entered the illegal underground fighting championship, and fought. He was forced to adapt to dirty tactics and the less than yielding mercy of his opponents. He often felt that he was the only pure hearted man there. He sometimes wondered just what in the world he was doing there. Oniken-sama was always there with that ever-powerful backhand to show him exactly that whenever Cody stepped out of line.

Still, Cody never stooped to the level of those surrounded by him. Not one dirty tactic, not one hidden weapon, not one permanent injury was dealt by the man. His opponents, to his surprise, were less than appreciative of it. No matter how they tried, no matter how loudly Oniken howled at him, Cody would never kill a man, if he could help it. Though he was clearly the winner in every single battle, his sensei had to beg the refs to declare Cody such, after he went ahead and actually helped his opponent up.

Then, Cody met Zin. Zin was a gargantuan, 8 foot man with muscles the size of watermelons. A towering tyrant of terror, this horrible fighter took up half the arena and seemed two or three times Cody's size. It was his first and only challenging battle thusfar. For four straight hours, the two men battled, and as the battle passed, spectators placed more and more of their money on Zin. How could such a scrawny little pest defeat Zin, the Massive?

However it was, Cody did it, and the great Zin came crashing to the floor of the arena, nearly shaking the entire area with his fall. Boos rallied all around, and soon various dangerous implements found themselves airborne. Using special earth-affinity powers that Oniken had taught him to unleash, Cody protected the both of them, sharp implements rebounding off of them as if they were solid rock. When finally the ruckus died down, Cody gave a fiercesome glare to the audience, then helped Zin up and shook his hand firmly. Zin became the first fighter to ever actually appreciate Cody's honor, and actually pulled him right in to give him a big bearhug.

This was too much for this crowd of hardened criminals. The boos rallied again, and now another man in dark red robes drifted in, his eyes seeming to glow softly. His hand lifted, and in it was a razor sharp throwing knife. Gaping, Zin recognized his own master immediately. The knife was thrown, right for Cody's back. Shouting, Zin spun the lightweight right around to protect him, only to have the dagger actually sever his spinal cord instantly, piercing several internal organs on the way. Zin was dead before he even hit the ground.

The Great Escape

All vestiges of innocence and pleasantries left the enraged Cody's mind as he saw red where audience and that back stabbing master was supposed to be. Death. Doom. Destruction. To such unsavory, horrible people he would bring this, so that they could never taint the Earth again.

Going into a half-conscious craze, Cody reached out his hands and unleashed a ki-laced slaughter upon the screaming hoarde. He didn't know who or what he was hitting, only that he was hitting something evil, and that made him feel so much better over the death of such a wonderful fighter as Zin. He would make them pay. He would make them ALL pay.

Five minutes later, the arena was emptied, and the screams and shouts still echoed from the exit halls above the bleachers. Huge chunks of the roof were exposed to the open air, and the building was on fire. Dead bodies laid all over, in various states of mutilation. Police sirens soon wailed from outside -- apparently they'd noticed the havoc Cody had caused. Gunshots soon followed.

"What have I done?" Cody whispered quietly to himself, as the rage faded from his body and he took in the horror that he, the proud, happy, noble young man, had caused. He had no time to sort through it all, though, as a squad of submachine-gun bearing men filed in and aimed their guns for Cody. Oniken-sama was among them.

"Cody..." growled his ex-sensei, "you have violated the contract we have forged! You have disgraced me, and I will make sure that you and your family's lives are forfeit because of it. Prepare to die!"

Cody darted quickly, barely avoiding zipping bullets from the barking guns. He found himself leaping from tree to tree in the nearby forest as the men gave pursuit. Cody's wonderful, pampered life had caved in around him. He didn't even know if his parents were alive. Where once was direction, was a black wall of gloom.

The New Life

Then, a little boy discovered him. He was no older than 4 years old, yet he spoke common rather well. ... And he was flying. When Cody explained his predicament, the boy simply extended a couple of hands and roasted his pursuers as if they were nothing.

The boy, whose name was Derek, and Cody attached to eachother very quickly, the amazingly intelligent boy loving Cody's silly antics to death. Derek taught Cody about his ki, and how it was used to fire blasts, and Cody showed Derek all the cool things he could do with the ground, not the least of which being his ability to make his own personal tidal wave of earth to ride. Within hardly two weeks, the two became best friends, and, though Cody was still lost in the world, he was quickly finding his way again.

Climbing the Ladder

Cody's life since then has been mercilessly complex and jumbled. Though he has stayed in shifts at Jade's various worldwide estates, he now spends more time alone, wandering the world, and attempting to lend a hand to those who would fight evil.

Though once a gleaming, cheery boy whose cheezy grin would rarely die away, Cody has settled down a little. His maturity has increased exponentially, and so his good humor and optimism is often kept quietly tucked away until they become appopriate, though they will always be part of him. Cody spends his night staring at the stars, wondering just what challenges the cosmos will send Earth next, and how he will best defeat them.