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Alaris is a large, desolate, frozen continent located in the northeastern hemisphere of Earth, as well as the name of the nation that controls the continent. It is dotted with self-contained, domed cities inhabited mainly by humans. While there are thousands of small domes scattered throughout Alaris, only five cities are recognized as official settlements by Alaran government, which is itself fragmented at the moment due to some catastrophe in the nation's fairly recent past. The Alaran capital at least appears to have once been Ralesk, although the actual capitol buildings were within an isolated dome called the Cathedral; however, the dome-city Arsineh claims to be the seat of political power at the moment, as the Cathedral is unpowered and uninhabited, as are most of the small dome settlements.

Very little contact has been established between Alaran cities and the Cardinalian government, but what little exchange has occurred between the two continents indicates that Alaris is a technologically advanced nation that is more of a federation of city-states than any unified entity with a central government. This is perhaps best indicated by the rival claims of political power made by Arsineh officials and Ralesk officials. In any case, Arsineh is the only dome-city to have made contact with Cardinal, and Cardinalian government officials have generally accepted Arsineh as the Alaran capital for the moment.

Vital Statistics

Official Name
The Oligarchy of City-States of Alaris
Universal Location
On the planet Earth, on the continent of Alaris