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These are the official character rules for Battleminds.

Name: Battlemind
Class: Minor Race
Tech Bias: Neutral
Available Power Types: Any
History and Background Page: Tephra

Major Racial Advantages:

  • Advanced Combatants: Battleminds start with 2250 PL at creation.
  • Enhanced Gain: Battleminds base fight gain is 3.5%. Passive training and daily cap are affected accordingly.

Minor Racial Advantages:

  • Autohypnosis: When a Battlemind is incapacitated, each real day that passes consumes 2 incap days. If the Battlemind is hospitalized, that becomes 3 instead. In addition Battleminds are able to resist the effects of poisons making them immune to poison. Battleminds are resistant to fear inducing mental effects/techniques/powers/etc with an effective PL to overcome treated as double; stacks with all normal psionic mental resistances.

Major Racial Disadvantages:

  • Glyphs of Thought: Power manifests outwardly as floating symbols around the head of the Battlemind. These symbols can be attacked. Despite sharing durability with the Battlemind if these symbols are struck the Battlemind suffers an immediate concentration vs damage to maintain (damage dealt specifically to the symbols gain a nullifier esque bonus when calculating concentration threshold), or use any focus actions on the following turn; charges held will be lost, etc.

Minor Racial Disadvantages:

  • Power Type Specialization: Any power distributed to Ki or Magic is halved (it takes 2 PL of gain to get 1 PL of Ki or Magic).

Creator Dashizer